Tuesday, December 1, 2020

 Another book is soon to be published.  'Mister Weatherspoon's Unfortunate Clock.'  This book is independent of the Legacy of Abigail series.  The story is not related in any way to the series nor any stories in it.

We've all either read the stories, or seen the movies of the lad who finds the mysterious lamp, or perhaps a bottle in the ocean or perhaps a mysterious cave.  Rubbing the lamp of bottle results in a genie appearing and yes, offering to grant up to three wishes in gratitude for his being released from his prison.  You know the story.

Typically, the one who has released the genie asks for the usual wishes including riches and well, whatever he desire.  The genie grants the wishes and the hero lives richly and happily ever after.  Oh yes, there may be a beautiful princes in the picture as well.

Elijah Weatherspoon's encounter is not so fortunate.  The genie he releases has different ideas on granting wishes.  Things don't go quite as planned and certainly not as asked for to Mr. Weatherspoon.

 With the second book in the series now published, the third book in the series is in the final stages of work and that will be published shortly.  I'm anticipating, by the end of this year.  2020.

That book is titled 'When Love Finds Hannah.'  This one is really a sequel to 'Voyage of Abigail,' and is the story of two young people who find love.  A finding which would not have been possible had it not been for the lighter than air ship Abigail having been blown far off of her course.  And a broken arm.

Harold Whitmore, a crew member on the ship, and the nurse he meets, and falls in love with are introduced in 'Voyage of Abigail.'  Their story is told in its entirety in 'When Love Finds Hannah.'

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Introduction to 'Voyage of Abigail'

This is the Introduction page in 'Voyage of Abigail', the book now in the final preparation stages before publication.


When I sat out to write ‘A Ship Called Abigail,’ I had no idea that from that one book, another story would spring forth. And then another. Now, with the completion of ‘Voyage of Abigail,’ two more books in the series will follow. Beyond that? It remains to be seen.

All that is necessary for another book to be brought to life, is for a character, or a set of characters within the one just written, to reach out and demand that their own story to be told. I am not deaf to those demands. I hear them, and I have promised them that their own stories will be told.

‘Voyage of Abigail’ is not a “part two” in a series. It is its own story. It is a sequel. It does branch from the story which was told in the first book, but it is its own story. Josias Lancaster whom I met in the first book, made it clear to me that his story of loss, and his new love found, although it was partly told in the former book, the whole story must be told. His story. In honoring his wishes, this book is the result.

Josias introduced me to the lady who came into his life after his own loss. She repaired the broken pieces of his life, and she became his bride. I learned that Ann Merriweather had suffered her own heartbreak, and abandonment, even though she had not previously been a wife.

Loss, however it comes about, or whatever form it takes, creates an indelible mark on the heart, and even on the spirit which becomes a part of who we are for the remainder of our days.

It is a simple truth that even later in life we can start on the path of living which we may have missed in our younger years. She found the truth in that statement and gave me a new perspective on love found and I hope, an even greater appreciation for this thing called ‘Second Chances.’

There are others within both books who are clamoring to have their own stories told. With God’s will and His favor, I will do my best to tell their stories, and for whoever should follow, their stories as well.

Dan W. Dooley

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

From the Sequel Book to 'A Ship Called Abigail'

“Tell me, Matthew,” she asked and the sound of speaking his name thrilled her in a way she had not known before. “You have no employment. You have no family. What do you see your prospects being?”
With a puzzled look, he asked, “what is ‘prospects’?”

She sighed. “What do you see tomorrow bringing for you?”
He sat up straight and his eyes beamed. “Do you know what I wanted to become? That is before now.”
She knew that he meant before the loss of his parents, and everything else life would have offered him. She knew without him saying it that whatever dream that had been, it was now dead.
“I wanted to be an artist. To paint magnificent pictures of places I have never seen before. To go to places I’ve never been before.”
But that dream had died for him. He did not say it, but she knew. “I would love to see some of your paintings.”
“Alas, I don’t have any. They were lost when I left the big city and came here. I don’t know what became of them.”

“Have you painted since you came here?” She knew the answer to that one as well.
“No. No spirit. Is that how you say it? That thing inside which must paint.”
“I understand,” she answered. “The motivation or the inspiration. If you lose that, well…” Now she was understanding more and she would not ask him any more questions about his thoughts on his future. He did not have a future.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Story Anew

With the original book in the series 'A Ship Called Abigail' already published and available to buy and read, the second book, the sequel is soon to be added for purchase and reading.

I should not call this a true series for it is really a sequel rather than a multi-volume series.  The second book though it is set in time following the story in the first book, it is actually a different story.  This is  not a continuation of the story of the main characters in the first book.  It is the story of another character who figures importantly in the first book.  It is his story.  Well, their story, actually, for like Harris and Anna who following loss and widowhood, this man finds new love after loss.

The sequel story can stand alone.  It is not a continuation of a story before it.  It has an association with a story before it, and there will be references to people and events within the story before, but a reader can, if desired, enjoy the sequel story even if they have not read the one before.  Of course it is my hope that any who read this new book will also read the first one.  So much more will be gotten from the story.

Finding new love after loss is never easy.  It presents vastly different challenges than those who are young and are finding love for the first time.  Or rather I should say, committed love.  Marriage love.  Josias Lancaster finds the truth in that statement, for he is a man in his sixties when he finally finds that new love after loss.

This is also the story of the first voyage of the air ship Abigail.  Whether it will be the last voyage, only future sequels will tell.

And on the matter of sequels, out of the first book and out of this new book, two more stories will bring about at least two more sequels.  I foresee a total of four stories for four books.  But, I would never dare to predict that the four will be the end of it.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The Reason For it All

Being active in a number of social media forums, and being one with a propensity to write, expressing feelings and emotions, I have written much about the experience of meeting Patsy.
Patsy and I were both widowed and we met each other and we have now been married two years and some months. Our story has been told many times, to new friends, even casual acquaintances and in a host of social media posts.
It was inevitable that I would be encouraged to write a book telling our story. As I love to write, and have had some professional writing experience, I jumped on the opportunity to tell our story.
But, I was not going to write the story in memoir form, nor was it going to be autobiographical. I prefer fiction writing and fiction it would be.
The story is entirely fictional. The characters are entirely fictional as is the setting. But, within the story of two people, Harris Wimberly and Anna Forth, both widowed who found each other and learned to live and love again, is our story.
It is a story of second chances and life after loss. It is also a story of God's working in our lives to bring things together when we learn to let go and lean on Him instead of trying to do things which we simply cannot do.
It is my hope that all who read it will be encouraged and inspired. I also hope that the information and the link to the book will be shared to any who may need such encouragement. Especially the widowed who feel that there is little chance for them to know love again.

Josias and Ann's Story Continues in 'Voyage of Abigail'

“I hear a rumor from time to time that he is back in the social world and that there may even be a lady in the picture. But don’t charge that to my account as I can neither affirm or disprove it.”

“What about the ship you are building here?” Harris asked.

“Oh he makes no mention of it and it appears that he still wants to avoid any association with it. But he still provides the funds needed to complete it. You know it’s just about finished.”

Anna looked puzzled at that statement and she turned to face Harris, with the question on her face. Harris took note and he asked Martin to tell the story again for her benefit.

“You see, my dear,” Martin began. Josias Lancaster had for many years a reputation as something of a ladies man. He never allowed himself to become rightfully involved with any one woman. Some would say he was a rake and not much of an honorable man with the ladies. Now some of that may be a stretching of the truth, but it was not too far off course.

“He met a lady who completely turned him around. The change in him was immense. One would have said that he got religion. Well, he did not exactly, but the change was great. He quit all of his wayward ways and rejected all other women. He became engaged to this one. The ship was a dream of his and we believe that he was thinking of retiring and spending the rest of his life in leisure and travel with her. He had the financial means to do so.

“So he laid the plans for the construction of the ship which is a lighter than air vessel. Not a Zeppelin dirigible, mind you but one with sails and a wooden hull which can also sail the oceans. He planned to use it for their honeymoon. But, tragically, before they could marry, she died suddenly and unexpectedly.

“Just as meeting her had changed him for the better, her death changed him in another way. No, he did not return to his old irresponsible ways but rather it was as though his soul was taken from him and he seemed to move about life as an empty shell, devoid of any spirit. Her death in a way killed his heart.”

Anna listened to this with eyes filling with sadness and she dabbed at the corners with her handkerchief. “What was the lady’s name?” she asked.

“It was Abigail,” Martin answered.

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