Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Club Nobody Wants to Join

Widowhood is a club nobody chooses to join, but those inducted into this club do not do so willingly.

Those inducted into the club called widowhood can never leave. They may be blessed to find love again and even enter once again into marriage, but the title of widowed is never relinquished. Once a widow, always a widow.

But, life does not have to end for the one who is left behind. The saying in Scripture is, 'God said, it is not good for man (or woman) to live alone.' It is a choice. Some will choose to remain solo for the rest of their days. Others will find a way to stand again after falling, to find that love can live again, and the rest of the journey can be sometimes even sweeter than the paths of the journey before loss.

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The Club Nobody Wants to Join

Widowhood is a club nobody chooses to join, but those inducted into this club do not do so willingly. Those inducted into the club called wi...